Optimization in Machine Learning (Fall 2024)

Lecture Information

Tue 13:00-14:35 at Wenshi Building 211


Your grade will be determined by assignments (40%) and a project (60%).

Teaching Staffs



Date Topic Slides Homework Material
9.24. Introduction; Basic mathematics Lecture 1 - Notes 1
10.8. Matrix calculus; Convex set Lecture 2 Homework 1, sol Notes 2
10.15. Convex function; Subgradient Lecture 3 Homework 2, sol Notes 3
10.29. Gradient descent; smoothness and strongly convex Lecture 4 Homework 3, sol Notes 4
11.5. More on gradient descent Lecture 5 Homework 4, sol Notes 5
11.12. Projected gradient descent Lecture 6 Homework 5, sol Notes 6
11.19. Subgradient descent Lecture 7 Homework 6, sol Notes 7
11.26. Proximal gradient descent Lecture 8 Homework 7, sol Notes 8
12.3. Accelerated gradient descent Lecture 9 - Notes 9
12.10. Newton and quasi-Newton methods Lecture 10 - Notes 10
12.17. Stochastic gradient descent Lecture 11 Homework 8 Notes 11
12.24. Variance reduced methods Lecture 12 - Notes 12
12.31. Nonconvex optimization; minimax optimization Lecture 13 - Notes 13


Projects will be evaluated based on a combination of:

  1. presentation (25%), at Tuesday of the 18th week

  2. final report (75%)

Projects can either be individual or in teams of size up to 3 students. In the team case, you must clearly describe who contributed which parts of the project, and the contributions should be roughly equal. Obviously, it is expected that a team project makes more progress than an individual project.

Various types of projects are possible. Some examples include:


  1. You need to submit an English report and your code. For individual project, the report should be up to 6 pages (with unlimited pages for references and appendix). For team project, the report should be up to 8 pages (with unlimited pages for references and appendix). The submission deadline is January 14th, 2025.

  2. You are required to use Latex to write the report. We suggest you to use this templete.

  3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and it is unacceptable to duplicate entire sentences or figures from other sources.

Topic examples
These areas are just mentioned for illustration. You are encouraged to freely choose very different topics as long as they concern optimization for machine learning.